Bogey’s and Bones Dominos Tournament

23 de septiembre de 2023, 19:00 — 23:00
$0.00 - $20.00 Registrar
Reserva online no está disponible para este evento

Detalles del evento

Nils Smith is running a small tee timed out golf outing; and then a bracketed domino's tournament afterwards - should be a fun shindig - spread the word!


-Golf Starts at 1:30p and is OPTIONAL. We will have 8 Tee times open between 1:30p - 2:30p

-Golf is $45 per player, paid to Grand Oaks


-BBQ at 6:30 PM

-Nils Smith will be providing the BBQ. And he will accept any tips or donations for the food - Venmo @Nils-Smith


SIGN UP HERE -------> or Register on event page.

-The Domino's Tournament will start at 7:00 pm and will be a pre-bracketed format

-Bring you own partner

-$20 buy in per team ($10 per player)

-Paying out 1st and 2nd place

-Standard Domino Rules - We will have a rule sheet printed out and available.

Opciones de inscripción / Entradas :

Domino Team (2 people)

Name of Teammate

Cuando y donde

23 de septiembre de 2023
3502 Country Club Dr, Grand Prairie, Texas, 75052
Ver el mapa


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