Ladies Opening

21 de mayo de 2024, 13:00 — 19:00
$58.00 - $58.00 Registrar
Reserva online no está disponible para este evento

Detalles del evento

-Shotgun Format

-$58++ per person

-Arancini with Pomodoro sauce

-Chicken with warm asparagus salad topped with strawberry & goat cheese Salsa

-Traditional Chocolate Cake


-Two options, scoring and non scoring 

-If you would like to chose your own group you cna particpate in the non scoring event 

-Crossover table by Viviane Page 

Opciones de inscripción / Entradas :


Non- Scoring

Cuando y donde

21 de mayo de 2024
160 Alexandra St., Oshawa, Ontario, L1G 2C4
Ver el mapa


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