Men's Closing

21 de septiembre de 2024, 11:00 — 19:00
$80.00 - $80.00 Registrar
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Detalles del evento

Men's Closing will be held on Saturday, September 21,2024 with a 11am shotgun. The fee will be $80++ with a buffet breakfast (9am), plated dinner, and 1 Labatt beverage per participant.

The format will be as follows;

-2 Man Shamble

-Must use 6 tee shots from both players

-Handicaps will be in play

-Take the best tee shot and play your own ball into hole

-Net Scores

-Flights based on handicap

-Paramutual Betting

Opciones de inscripción / Entradas :


Cuando y donde

21 de septiembre de 2024
160 Alexandra St., Oshawa, Ontario, L1G 2C4
Ver el mapa


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