F.I.S.H. Fund Raiser

26 de octubre de 2024, 19:00 — 00:00
$30.00 - $50.00 Registrar
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Detalles del evento

Fraser Inclusive and Supportive Housing Society (F.I.S.H.) fundraiser Halloween Dance Party

Saturday, October 26, 7 pm - midnight

Hope Golf Club - 900 Golf Course Rd.

$30 per single, $50 per couple

Dance to DJ, no host bar, light snacks provided, 50/50 draw, prizes for best costumes and games

Adults Only

FISH is working to build an apartment building (Kwas House) on donated land at 477 Hudson Bay St. for adults with cognitive disabilities and seniors. All proceeds after costs go towards program development needs that will provide residents with long term, safe, affordable housing in Hope.

Join us for a fun night while helping to bring this much needed project to our community!

Opciones de inscripción / Entradas :

FISH Fund Raiser - Single $30

FISH Fund Raiser - Couple $50

Cuando y donde

26 de octubre de 2024
900 Golf Course Road, Hope, British Columbia, V0X 1L4
Ver el mapa


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