2024 HG&CC Ladies Golf Tournament

23 de agosto de 2024, 07:00 — 23:59
$175.00 - $175.00 Registrar
Reserva online no está disponible para este evento

Detalles del evento

The Hope Ladies’ Golf Club welcomes you back for a fun weekend of golf to celebrate our Diamond Anniversary

MONDAY - FRIDAY (Aug 19-23)  - $20 Practice Round

FRIDAY NIGHT (Aug 23) - Appy Night & Putting Contest

SATURDAY (Aug 24) - 18-Hole 2-Person Scramble

SATURDAY NIGHT - Banquet Dinner and Entertainment

SUNDAY (Aug 25) - 18-Hole 2-Person Scotch Ball, Barbecue Lunch & Prizes

RCGA Handicap Required * Fantastic Prizes * New Format * Same Old Fun

* note GST is applicable to early birdie entry fee, regular entry fee and practice round *

Opciones de inscripción / Entradas :

HG&CC Member Players

Visiting Players

If booking for multiple players, please enter their email address and name in the form provided on the confirmation screen. $175 after June 30th.

Cuando y donde

23 de agosto de 2024
900 Golf Course Road, Hope, British Columbia, V0X 1L4
Ver el mapa


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