Mikey's League Charity Golf Tournament

19 de noviembre de 2022, 07:30 — 11:30
$100.00 - $7,500.00 Registrar
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Detalles del evento

Mikey’s League exists to bring our community together through the power of inclusive sports. Join us for a fun day of golf at Springfield Golf Resort with all proceeds from this event going to support our 2022 season of programming for our flag football and basketball programs. We look forward to seeing you on the links! Please contact Scott Freeman at [email protected] for more information.

(Check In & Range Time: 7:00AM / Start Time: 7:30AM / BBQ Lunch & Awards: 11:15AM)

Opciones de inscripción / Entradas :

Foursome of Golf

Single Player Golf

Hole Sponsorship

Hole Sponsorship w/Foursome of Golf

Golf Cart Sponsor

Beverage Cart Sponsor

Title Sponsor

Cuando y donde

19 de noviembre de 2022
1200 E Saint Andrews Blvd Building #A, Chandler, Arizona, 85249
Ver el mapa


Directores de golf

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